Thursday, January 15, 2009

Christmas with the Smith's

Christmas eve was spent eating in the dark, starting a prayer but no one said Amen, watching Tanner and Josie show us their beautiful dance moves, and Grandpa Great singing Away in the Manger very loudly, we had elves knock at the door, and Santa even made an appearance. We had so much fun and were glad that Mom and Dad let us all stay there for longer than they wanted. Christmas morning was fun to watch Josie and Payton open presents. They were really excited this year and knew what it was all about. Grandma asked Josie who brought Jesus presents and she knew right a way that it was the wise men. Then she said " See I know my things." Too Cute. Payton loved his trains and was super excited every time he opened one. I think he got about 7. Haylee was just having fun getting into every one else's things. Tanner and Leisha were also there. It snowed a lot. It just kept snowing and snowing and snowing but too cold and wet to play in. Melissa and Landon even had to stay over another night because there was way to much snow. The next morning Melissa and her family left. Adam and I tried to make a snowman but the wind had blown too much. I dried out all the snow. The rest of the day we played Wii with Tanner and Leisha. We also played boggleand pictureka. Leisha and I make a magnet board. Then they had to go home. That night we watched The Christmas Story and Trapped in Paradise with mom and dad. On Saturday we were going to go eat with mom and dad then go home. Well we made it to Preston and the weather was yucky so we ate at Pizza Villa and went back to mom's. On Sunday morning we got up and finally made it back to Orem. I am so grateful that we got to spend so much time with our families this holiday season. We love you all and missed the ones we didn't get to see.

Josie and I posing.

Haylee trying to make a run for it.My cute mommy and daddy
Me and my handsome man, Adam. ( his shaggy hair is now long gone)
Tanner and his foxy woman, Leisha.
Melissa, Landon, Haylee, Josie and Payton. This is the best one I got. Mel and L are looking at another camera and the kids are looking at me.
Josie Christmas morning with her tea set adn flashlight.

Payton opening one of his many trains.
Haylee with her new winter hat( the gloves were still attached to the hat)
T and L's new Wii. (Wii all had sore arms after playing)
Mom and her new working sewing machine.
Dad with his new Fry Bread bowl. I think he likes it.

Just some picture of the Christmas snow.


Mindy said...

I missed you so much, Holly! I wish I could've seen you at Christmastime. :(

Tyler played the wii at his friend's house the other day and complained about sore arms for 2 days!

Alli said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! How fun to have such a wonderful family to spend it with!! :)

How cool that Adam got to go to his game! That's really awesome!

Leisha and Tanner said...

Holly that pic of you and Josie is so so cute!! I love it! The one of Tanner and I is sick though...but all the rest are great! Thanks for calling me the other day it was so good to talk to you!!I hope your voice comes back all the way!! Love ya lots!