Sunday, March 22, 2009

Family Time

Tonight we got together with Adam's mom, brother Nate, his wife Alisha and their two kids Da and Sumara. What cuties. We were eating dinner and Da was told us he went to church today. I asked him if he had fun. This is what he said, "Church is boring with alot of songs and talking and sitting and tiny bread and just a tiny bit of water and a teeny weeny cup." Oh, from the mouths of babes. It gave us all a good laugh because I am sure all of us had thought that a time or two in our lives. Nothing like the truth.
Sumara took a nap.
and was much happier when she woke up. This is her serious look.

Alisha make us homemade shortcake with strawberries.
This was soooo good. Yummy strawberries.

It was a great day and so much fun to be around the family. We don't to it often enough.


Tanya said...

oh that looks yummy! i need to make some strawberry shortcake!
i love how honest kids are...they are great. we could learn from them.
i am so glad i have met you. you are truly just awesome!

Alisha said...

You forgot about the lots of prayers...

Way to fill the frame BTW with Da's pic...

And it WAS delicious if I don't say so myself!

Mindy said...

Okay... the fill the frame thing... are you making fun of me? Because if you are, I'm gonna have to beat you up. ;) Or make you share some of that strawberry shortcake with me. Yum!

Holly said...

not making fun. he was hiding from me. but I love his mouth with his comments.